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Dead Down Wind Review

Best Scent Elimination System for Hunting

Best Scent Control for Hunting

If you are serious about hunting, you need to get serious about scent control / elimination.  Whitetail deer’s sense of smell if 500 to 1,000 times more sensitive than that of a human.  Movement and smell are the two things that will get you busted the fastest when hunting out of a tree stand or hunting blind.  Look no further than the Dead Down Wind Scent Elimination System to take care of all your human scent elimination needs for hunting.  This review will discuss why this system is so effective and such a great deal at this price point.  CLICK HERE to see the current price.

In the past, scent elimination for hunting included a spray that you misted on your clothes prior to going to sit in your tree stand.  They, as I remember, it progressed to scent free deodorant.  At that time I used to was my clothes in just baking soda.  I quickly found out that this does very little to remove scent and, although it does not add any “flowery” smell, it does not remove existing scents or prevent future scents.  All of this was better than using a strong smelling laundry soap and not spraying a scent neutralizer on you prior to hunting but, things have really changed.

This complete scent elimination system for hunting from Dead Down Wind has everything you need to be ready to hunt…  even archery hunting in tight quarters with a wise old buck.  Ten piece kit includes shower / soap supplies, laundry supplies, field spray, refills, lip balm, and even scent free face paint to break up your face and hands.  This laundry soap works amazing by removing existing scents and helping to neutralize new odors.  The bath soaps are unscented and are gentle enough for sensitive skin.  The field sprays are amazing at clearing the scents out of your clothing prior to heading to your stand.  Make sure to spray your boots, including the soles, before walking into the woods.  If have ever seen a deer stop and smell the ground right where you walked and then make a quick, nervous exit, that is why.  They are smelling scents that were left behind of your boots.  Maybe your dog at home, smells out of your truck, or a whole host of human related smells.  Remember, deer smell five hundred to one thousand times better than you and will bust you if you are not prepared.

Dead Down Wind Hunting Systems are made in the USA and people love them.  At the time of this article this product has 4.5 out of 5 stars on Amazon with tons of reviews.  This is for good reason.  DDW has been around for years and have mastered the scent elimination game.  Don’t take a chance on getting busted by the buck of a lifetime next time you hit the woods.  Go hunting scent free your next trip with the help of Dead Down Wind!


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